Envisioning a modern user interface
I was asked to contribute to this line of home business printers at a few key moments during development. Late in the project, the team was challenged to step away from the dated display they had inherited from previous products, and I was enlisted to provide fresh eyes. This e-paper based interface was my take. It had a significant impact on the final designs, even though E-paper was not deemed feasible in the end.
Finding a modern form
Early in the project, I was also asked to help the team think about what a modern printer might look like. Below were some quick studies I did to help give a wide range of form inputs during exploration. Using the properties of paper to define the surfaces would help the printer be engagingly new, while maintaining a subconscious relevance to print. I also included some subtle elements where the form got softer as it approached the user, and accented the colors to imply that the form had insides and outside to help build meaningful visual hierarchy.